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A New Chapter

I have officially completed one full week at my new home. It has been filled with tons of joy, fun, new friends, and walking. My first few days here were almost entirely spent in sorority houses. It didn't take me long to realize that I didn't really belong there, but I do have a lot of new light to shed on them. Although I made the decision late Wednesday night to withdraw from recruitment, I do have a new found respect for the sororities here on campus. Most of the girls I met through the whole process were surprisingly cool and down to earth, unlike their stereotype would make them seem. I don't regret spending time going through recruitment, because I really do have a better understanding of the whole process now. Thursday, Brooke and I spent the day exploring downtown CoMo. We have found great shopping, an awesome costume store, a cupcake shop, sushi, and coffee places. We have also made nearly a million new friends. We learned quickly that the best way to make friends on our hall was for one, to go to the bathroom, and two, keep our door open. I am so excited for the girls on our hall to all be friends. They all seem to be extremely nice, I can't wait to get to know them better. The last few nights have been spent playing sand volleyball late into the night, spending time with my brother and some awesome new friends from The Rock, going to the Ben Kweller concert (his opening act, She's A Keeper, was fantastic), and not seeing The Hunger Games at Jesse Auditorium because we were late and they wouldn't let us in.

Overall, this last week has been seriously amazing. I never imagined that I would have this many friends already. I am missing some people from home, you all know who you are. If you have Skype and feel so inclined to Skype me, I would love to hear from you and see you. I am also just a phone call or letter away, so that works too. By the way, if anyone wants my address, message me on facebook or something :). I love mail now that I have my own mailbox. Classes start tomorrow, so I will probably be pretty busy, but I can always make time for old friends!

Back to the main topic of this post: I am so excited for the things to come. I am so happy to feel so confident in having made the right choice in schools. God has blessed me in so many ways and I am so thankful that some of the best years of my life are still to come! I am going to wrap this up for now, but to all my friends from home: Again, I would seriously love to hear from all of you. I will also be making an effort to get ahold of some of you. Love always!

Here are some pictures if you haven't seen them on facebook. Our room is messy right now, but I will post pictures of it next time!