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It's November?

I only blogged one time in the whole month of October. And it wasn't even a happy blog. No wonder I haven't been as cheery lately. I think it goes both ways, you know? I generally blog more when I'm cheery, and blogging makes me just happier in general! That is why I am blogging right now when I should be doing things like studying for my 4 exams next week, cleaning my room, applying for more jobs, etc. Darn it, I just needed a little 30 minute break. 

Wow, so not a lot has actually happened in the last month I feel like. I've developed a routine, which makes for an incredibly boring monotonous lifestyle. All of my weeks look roughly the same. I guess it's good to have some structure, but I need to learn how to spice it up a little! However, there were some fun things, including: Morgan coming for a visit, going home for a weekend, starting core group with some really great girls from The Rock,  getting my jaw dislocated at the Imagine Dragons concert (which was well worth it by the way, they were AWESOME), getting my first tattoo, and Halloween! Okay, now is when I need to apologize to my father who just started coughing, fell out of his chair and had a heart attack. I didn't really get a tattoo, I'm just making sure everyone is still paying attention. Anyways, for the most part October was a pretty routine month. It went by fast, had a little bit of a roller coaster aspect to it, but nothing life changing. I wish there were never months like that. I'll do better this month.

November. Ah, November. November through February has to be about my favorite time of the year. Not to be prejudice toward the rest of the months, but there is just something special about these in particular. This is when the real holidays start. Halloween is fun and all, but Thanksgiving and Christmas warm my heart, and that's something that Halloween could never do. This is when I can justify listening to Christmas music (like I ever stopped), spend extra time being thankful for all of the things in my life, enjoy the good things, and try to help the things that aren't so good. It's not like I don't try to do this at all times of the year, but the holidays always seem to put things in a different perspective. It fills me with joy to see all of the gracious and giving people during this time of the year. I am so excited for all of that holiday spirit to begin!

My craft for the month is this: 
Every day, Brooke and I are going to put a sticky note on the board with something we are thankful for. Visitors are welcome to partake in this ritual as well! I will take a picture at the end of the month to show how many sticky notes we put up :)

Here are some more pictures taken since the last time I blogged!
Driving home!

In Springfield :)
The Wizard of Oz, REMIXED! Love these girls.

P.S. I mentioned them earlier, but check out Imagine Dragons. Here is a video I took at their concert!