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February's End

I don't know if you people realize this or not, but February is nearly over. Crazy, right?

FEBRUARY IS ALMOST OVER AND WE JUST HAD 3 SNOW DAYS! I got to spend them playing in the snow, making new friends, dancing my brains out, baking cakes, and getting pushed over so many times, I lost count after 25,349. I also got my guitar out for the first time in a while, which was nice.

**Here is where I would insert fun pictures of me doing all the things I just mentioned if I had any. Unfortunately however, I have failed at picture taking in the last week. This will officially be my first blog post without pictures.**

Now I will go into my more serious part of the blog. For those of you who are uninterested, you may click the x in the top corner. I don't blame you.

Because it is the end of my birth month, I am going to touch base on this and go from there. Here we go. 

At the end of every month I am reminded how fast my life is flying by me. I am then sent into a great depression which consumes my every thought and prevents me from leaving my room for days... Just kidding. But it actually is a little sad. HOWEVER, it is extremely exciting too. Think of all the things coming up in the future. Then think about this: God has it all mapped out. He knows where I will be 10 years from now, He knows who I am going to spend the rest of my life with, He knows what I am capable of. He already knows! Thank goodness too, because I know I couldn't survive this life on my own.

My big overwhelming theme these last few weeks has been exactly this. I am learning to trust and fully rely on God in every aspect of my life, because He does know my future. He wouldn't put me in a situation that I couldn't handle. And sure, I pretty much have to think this way as a lot of hard stuff has been put on my plate lately, but you know, it isn't something I tell myself just to feel better. It's truth. God puts me, he puts us, in these situations to make us grow into strong, persistant human beings who will glorify Him. What an honor, right? He uses these experiences and hard things to prepare us for our future. I know, I have touched on this before, but it's a good reminder for myself if nothing else.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11