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Brooke and I decided to try something this week. We are both big tea drinkers, and we read about something on Pinterest that told us how good Dandelion Root tea is for you! So, we went to Hy-vee and bought what we needed to try this out. I've been excited because I love finding new natural, healthy things. Last night we made a big pitcher of this Dandelion tea and decided to start drinking it today. Heres a picture of me showing how cute the little box is!

And here's one after actually drinking the tea:
It's awful. I really don't suggest it.

We made a garland of paper leaves for our room Saturday at Craft Sabbath!

I realize this is the most random post in the world, even more random than the last one. I think I might start making them more like this though. It's kind of fun! I have three exams this week, so things have been pretty stressful. I'm excited to come home Friday night and get a little break. It will be so nice to see everyone! I will be back in CoMo for the football game Saturday. Hopefully it goes better than last week against Georgia! I will say though, it was pretty fun just to be there for the first SEC game, regardless of the outcome. Okay, well I better get back to studying! Have a fabulous week, and if you don't know much about the Lumineers, I highly recommend checking out this song down below. I love them.

So. Good.

P.S. And most importantly, God bless everyone serving this country, and everyone with a loved one who was lost on this day eleven years ago. May they never be forgotten <3