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Thoughts on Change

One day about 13 and a half years ago, I got up and left for school. It was a long 30 minute drive since I went to school in a different town than the one I lived. That afternoon, a family member (I don't remember who) picked me up from school took me home to a new house. I remember being a little confused, but excited. My new house had STAIRS.

Today, my parents began moving out of that house. I have so many memories from my (now) old home. I grew up in that little community, after all. For a lot of reasons, it will truly be missed. I am also sad because I realize that my parents new house will never really be mine. But my home is somewhere else now and I know that they would gladly take me in if I ever needed somewhere to go.

I think change is often motivated by our desire to make tomorrow better than yesterday, but is quickly followed by the memories you are leaving behind and the realization that you'll never get yesterday back. It is easy to be sad about change and the time that has passed, but today I'm choosing to be happy. My parents are moving for reasons that make sense for them and the season they are in. They are happily getting rid of the stairs and moving to a town that will be a really good fit for them. Today, I am learning to grieve the loss of time and the memories that were made in our time there with hopes that when I lay my head down tonight I can be full of joy for the change that my family is experiencing.

This I know for sure: The Lord is sovereign and He is good and I am thankful for the opportunity He has given my parents.
