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WARNING: The stress and anxiety that these last few weeks of school are going to bring (and are already bringing) will be reflected throughout this post.

This year is quickly coming to a close and I honestly can't quite wrap my mind around it. Seeing this year's seniors posting about prom and graduation makes me feel incredibly... nostalgic, homesick, old. I can remember these same events of my senior year, just one year ago, so perfectly. A year couldn't have possibly passed by already... Right? But it has.

And in that year I have gone through so many transformations. These have mostly been really great. It's so incredible that I have had the opportunity to move three hours away, encounter Christ in a way that I never imagined happening, build so many amazing friendships, and just grow up a little bit. I wouldn't change any of that for the world.

It's sad, though, that the relationships with the friends that I have had my entire life have changed in their dynamic. It's sad that I don't get to see my family as often as I would like. It's sad that I no longer live in the comfort of the home which I grew up and don't know as of now when my next extended stay there will even be. It is these things that I can't get off my mind lately.

SO, I have decided that rather than being sad about it, I am going to put up some pretty sweet pictures from my senior year. And I will be happy in remembering that I got to experience these things with some pretty incredible people. Because you guys are all awesome and I want you to know how much I miss you.


Anna, Anna, Short Hair. And other things interesting.

Well, I've been inspired folks. I was inspired by my beautiful sister-in-law Aimee to chop all my hair off. Okay, I didn't chop it ALL off like she did, but doesn't she look great? Check out the link. Next step, tattoo! Just kidding. Maybe in 8 years.

As for other things interesting, I have been up to a lot of school work. It has been a busy couple of weeks and it's not about to slow down. Bring it on, school! I am just about ready to be out of here and off the Colorado for the summer. However, that thought is starting to bring a little anxiety. The thought of moving to another state is a tad bit frightening, but none-the-less exciting.

Since being back to school, I have also got to do some fun things like:

-Put bologna on my face (its not really bologna, but you can see what I'm talking about here. Isn't Morgan awesome?)

-Attend birthday parties for Aimee, Katie, Sarah and Carter.
Birthday party for our three FLG April babies.

-Spend time with my amazing core group, consisting of the fabulous Tori Vaughan and the joyous Margaret Bedwell. We spent an awesome Saturday morning at Capen.
This girl has been such a blessing to me.

-And enjoy a terrific Thursday afternoon at The Campus Lutheran Church for Mizzou Prayer Week.
Pray Without Ceasing.

God has placed some pretty phenomenal people in my life. So many adjectives.

Today is game day. Ohhh Yeah. Me+ multiple Plaza Canvas Groupies + various others will be spending our evening in St. Louis. Happy Friday, game day, beginning of the weekend! Love you guys!

Cardinal Nation.
(Special thanks to T. Vaughan)