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My spring break thus far.

It's only Monday night, but my Ash Grove spring break SO FAR has been full of:

Family time.
Much needed rest & time with the Lord.
Trying to make an effort to work out,
But there is snow outside, so that makes things interesting.
& Living vicariously through all my friends on all of their trips.
       (I am SO happy to be home, but it is still fun checking up on everyone.)

I really don't have much to talk about other than show you some pictures of my sweet come up I found at a thrift store in Springfield Saturday.

Check. these. out.

I can honestly say that I have never been so excited about a thrift store find in my life. 
I did cut them because they went down to my knees.
Anyway, you can't tell me those aren't going to be cool. 
Well, you can, but I won't believe you.

I also made the wrap bracelet here ^ yesterday. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it's pretty cool.
I think so anyways.

Besides these two things, I have also made two pairs of shorts from jeans I found thrifting. I would post pictures, but I really feel like the two selfies I already have on here are probably enough.
Sorry if you are a guy who just suffered through this post and have no care in the world about what I have been doing with my time. Or if you are a girl too, I guess. The overalls were worth it right? RIGHT.

For those of you on break, enjoy it!
For those of you who aren't, keep pushing through! Summer is almost here. I think (if it will ever stop snowing).

And leave a comment if you're feeling really generous ;)


This will take two seconds.

I'm tired of studying.

My spring break starts in 41 and a half hours.

If you live in the general vicinity of Springfield and are reading this, I probably want to see you next week. So you should text me and distract me from my studies. Like, now.

Also, I realized this today:
Two months ago today I was driving back to Columbia after a six week break to start my second semester here at Mizzou. Two months from today will be my first day working in Colorado for the summer. That means SOON. Whoa.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Also, safe traveling to those friends of mine who will be going to Honduras, Memphis, and other various places over their spring breaks!

My home-girl Katie. (She's one of the people going to Honduras
next week)
Cotton House with some really cool girls.
Cotton House with some really cool mustaches.

"Transformation Tuesday" with my momma. I miss her tons on tons.

P.S. I really love it when people comment on my blog. So if you should ever feel so inclined... I wouldn't mind. :)

Back to studying!


Feeling Passionate.

Right now my head is wondering how I am even going to formulate my thoughts on where to start.

(5 minutes later)

I'll start here.
Last week, I got an email back from the YMCA in Colorado. When I originally applied for jobs there for the summer I had no intention of getting my first choice at the Craft Shop. I had heard that it was pretty hard to get a job there, especially if you don't apply super early. However, I got an email back last week telling me that I got it! Not only that, but I will be working there with three other girls from The Rock, which is basically unheard of. I was, and still am, beyond excited. There was one kicker, of course. Because I got that job, I will be leaving for Colorado earlier than anticipated. I finish my last final on May 16th and start work in Estes Park on May 20th. That's CRAZY, but I can't give up my whole summer just because I was hoping to have a little more time at home. Still though, boo. Just kidding, I am so blessed and so fortunate to have this opportunity. Really.

The next thing.
School. More than ever, I have been feeling so interested in learning. I know, it's weird. Don't get me wrong, I do not enjoy all of my classes, but my history and education classes in particular... I wish I just went to those all the time. It is so reassuring to feel this way though. I am quickly becoming very passionate about teaching and about education. I never expected that to happen. Now, that being said, I may decide that I don't want to teach for my entire life. Maybe administration, counseling, ministry? or something crazy like that could still happen. In fact, I would say that my options are really, well, open. I'm just leaving it up to God and following His plan for my present. And I'm pretty sure I'm hearing Him clearly. 

And another.
Okay, so speaking of history. If you have not seen my most recent facebook status I urge you to take a peak. (Here's the link). I have no idea why I got so excited about Dr. Loewen's talk, but I really did. It is a shame that such things took place in America's history, and really still take place today. BUT, I think it is our duty as citizens today to own up to our mistakes, acknowledge them, and make improvements for our future. Some people think it is better not to bring such issues up at all, but I must say that I disagree. I think it is important. Then again, I love history, so my opinion may be slightly biased. 

This week has been crazy. Little sleep. Paper writing. Test studying. Meetings with God. Etc, etc. I would not have it any other way though. Who needs sleep anyways when you have COFFEE? (And a permanently burnt tongue). I have a really bad habit of trying to drink my coffee and tea before it has cooled enough to drink. Oops.

St. Patrick's Day and a Cotton House Party this weekend. One more busy week of school. Then spring break. That's a nice line up right there if I do say so myself. 

P.S. This video is hilarious. And so true. I love my life, haha. Have a good sense of humor.



Something I try to work on is my spontaneity. I am a planner by nature, but how boring is it to be like that all the time? REALLY boring. I just want to be exciting.

So, for the last like 6 months I have been wanting to go brunette. It's been a gradual process, considering my hair was VERY blonde six months ago (see the header of my blog). But my patience finally wore thin and I decided to make the big, final leap last night. Here are my before and after pictures.

I went for the "make yourself look as bad as possible for the before picture so the after picture looks significantly better" strategy here. 

Brooke did it for me.

While Katie ate our man pizza.

Yay for spontaneity.

In other news, I went home this weekend. I got to spend much needed time with family and see my puppies.

Also, I have made the decision to spend this spring break at home rather than in Memphis. Because I am going to be spending the entirety of my summer in Colorado, I think my heart will need some time at home for spring break. While I would love to spend my break serving in Memphis, I think I am needed to serve in Ash Grove this year. Thank you all for your love and support :). Happy Sunday!

Oh, one more thing! This is my jam today if anyone needs some inspiration. I love the passion behind this song. I recently added it to my "Jesus Jams" playlist on Spotify. Check it out.

Sorry for the karaoke looking video. It's just the song, man.

3:30 is a life changing moment.