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And so summer begins.

Oh boy, it's officially summer, people. I have been done with school for nearly two weeks now, but I have been so busy, I don't think it really hit me until this week.

Since finals week, I have had my fair share of adventure. The night of my last final, Ty and I headed to KC for the weekend. We came back Sunday night, then turned around and headed south on Tuesday night. We spent Tuesday night at my parents house in the big AG and left for Austin, Texas the next morning. There, some great friends welcomed us in to their studio apartment for the next five nights. I wouldn't even know where to begin, so I will just say it was an awesome trip. Thanks, Travis and Lauren for showing us incredible hospitality and being such a great model of what a Godly marriage looks like. Your servant hearts are evident in the way you treat each other as well as those around you.

This week has been nice. I've begun getting "in the swing of things." Work, classes, exercise, the good stuff. I have also spent a little time with my new niece. SIDE NOTE: If you haven't seen her, you need to. If you don't live in Columbia, you should look at pictures. Miss Eliza Rose Swift is one beautiful baby. She is precious.

I am truly looking forward to the adventure, the lessons, and the wisdom that summer is going to bring. I know in my heart that The Lord has some awesome things in store for me, and that this is where He has called me this summer. However, while believing this to be true, I am simultaneously grieving the loss of a summer in Colorado. As I see pictures and posts of people arriving in EP, I can't help but feel a little sad that I won't be joining them. I would be lying if I told you otherwise. But, even in my jealousy, I want to wish all of you guys out at the Y the best summer possible. God has some sweet things planned for you in the next 12 weeks, or however long it is. And hey, I'll see y'all in July :).

As I may have mentioned before, many of my friends have committed to doing the Lord's work in different parts of the world this summer. In Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, DC, Colorado, etc, He has placed many of my close friends to share His word with people who may not otherwise know the name of Jesus Christ. I am beginning to recognize that part of my longing to be in Colorado is because I feel like I need to be doing something "greater." However, the Lord is constantly humbling me and assuring me that I am enough. I am learning to trust that He is using me here in Columbia, and while I may not be able to see that at this point, I am thankful for His faithfulness and truth. My life is not my own.

So this is where I am. I am excited about the summer, but I have to be honest in saying that it isn't always the easy choice. I guess following the Lord doesn't always feel like "the easy choice," though, does it? 

Regardless, it's always worth it.

"Jesus said, 'Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.'"
Mark 10:29-30




“I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.”

― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

You know what I mean? 

I am amazed at the amount of time has passed in the last year. By that, I just mean that I can't believe how fast the last 365 days have come and passed.

A year ago I was trying to prepare my heart for three months in what would become one of the most life changing places I would ever encounter. This present day, a large group of my very best friends are doing the same, and I wont be joining them.

A year ago I was beginning to pursue a more intentional relationship with one of my good friends, Tyler, who would become not just my boyfriend, but one of the best friends I have ever had.

A year ago my Community Group began praying for the freshmen who would come to Mizzou and become apart of the Lord's family, as well as Plaza's. Two of those individuals were baptized this Thursday.

(Plaza has since become two separate Community Groups.)

A year ago I wrote this blog post.

As I try to study for finals, it's hard not to think about all that has happened in the past year. While it can be sad to reminisce and think about all the time that has passed, I thank God that I can rejoice in what He has done this school year. I thank God that I can look back on those times with joy, but without dwelling. I thank God that He gives me peace about my past and allows me to live in the present without fear of the future.

With that being said, I'm doing my best to enjoy this last week with my present community. They are an amazing bunch! I am looking forward to my time with the ones who are sticking around this summer while trying to enjoy my last few days with those who will not. 

Enjoy the here and now. Happy Finals Week to those of you who have them!
