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One Year

Today, I want to spend a minute talking about this guy:

Tyler Jay Haddad.

Today marks a year of us officially dating. 

Who knew that the guy I sat in a coffee shop trying to get to know just a short year and a half ago was going to be such an important man in my life.

This past year has brought a lot of really good times. There have also been some hard ones, but I sit here tonight declaring that there is no one else I would rather go through those rough times with. He really is quite the catch.

I love you, Ty. Here's to many more years of learning to love and care for each other well!



My August Prayer

It's here. The time of the year that our church works fervently to reach campus and incoming freshman for the sake of the Gospel.

For those of you who don't know a lot about the ministry I am involved in, here it goes. The Rock is a college ministry working to reach unbelievers and the unchurched on campus. Different from most college ministries though, we actually do have our own Sunday church service. We are a church and a ministry all in one.

Because graduation happens every May, as a college ministry we are essentially working to replace (at least) a fourth of our members every school year. We are working hard to get new people involved all the time because we have to in order to even have a congregation and community. It is hard work, but the people of our church learn an incredible amount from this outreach. Disciples of the Lord are being created every year as we put college students (like me) in situations to practically learn what evangelism and outreach looks like. It's hard. It's awesome. But most of all, it's worth it and as followers of Christ, it is what we are called to do.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

From the day I arrived on campus two years ago, I have felt so at home at The Rock. I feel loved by the people there. I feel loved by Jesus there. I pray that others can experience that same thing at The Rock as we kick off the new school year. I pray that He is using the people of our ministry to reach the campus so that His name may be known and understood. I pray that we can willingly and joyfully obey the command that He has given us, not for our own glory, but for His. Most of all, I pray that people will be saved and come to know Jesus in a new and beautiful way.

I don't normally do this on my blog, but today I am asking that you will join me in this prayer. Please be praying for my community and Mizzou's campus as we work to build Christ's community.

I love you guys, and I wish you all the best of falls. Enjoy the hot weather while it lasts! It will be over before we know it.



Hello, August.

If you are a dedicated follower of my blog, then you likely noticed my recent prolonged absence. If you didn't notice, don't worry, my feelings aren't hurt. This blog's purpose is more for therapeutic reasons than anything. I suppose it's a pretty good way of documenting my life, too. As if there aren't enough social media sites getting that job done.

Honestly though, I just haven't really felt like writing recently. The past few months brought a lack of motivation with them. I have been reading more than usual, which has been amazing, but writing just hasn't come so easily. While considering getting rid of my blog completely, I finally decided that I didn't want to do that. I may be moving to WordPress in the near future though, so if you have thoughts or concerns about the possibility of that switch, I would love to hear.

Regardless of all of that, here I am. I don't have a lot to say, but I would like to share a bit of my summer with you all!

Here are some of my adventures:

A little time in Springfield

A visit to EP, CO.

Tyler had a dog for a minute.
It was an adventure, for sure. 

Here are some books I've been reading:

I finished this one back in May.
This book challenged the American dream, no doubt. It gave me great perspective on what it looks like to surrender my own comfort to The Lord and live for his glory. It will be a life long journey trying to figure out what that looks like, but I suggest this book to anyone stuck in a complacency or comfortable rut. Or if you aren't.

I read this one in June.
I'm sure a lot of you have seen the movie. I had, but I wanted to read the book just for fun. I actually really enjoyed it.

I'm in the middle of this one right now.
What a beautiful book (so far). It captures a great snapshot of God's love and faithfulness. Our summer at the Rock has been themed "The God Who Draws Near," and I think this book tells a beautiful story of just that. It's not scripture, but the metaphors presented within are just awesome.
Whether you're a believer or not, I think this book is worth your time.

I just started this one.
I figured as a future English teacher, this one is a good one to have read. I have a whole list of books that I want to read for that reason.

Here's what I have been listening to:

John Mark McMillan
John Mark is always awesome, but I am loving this album. Future/Past is probably my favorite.

The Collection
Ars Moriendi
They came to Columbia last week and I am loving their stuff. Ars Moriendi is their latest album, but all of their music is awesome. Check them out.

I can't believe it's August already (sigh). Tyler and I will be attending THREE weddings this month, everyone will start coming back to Columbia, my parents will leave our home of almost 14 years, school will start, and The Rock will be back in full swing. I will also (hopefully) make progress in training for the half marathon I committed to running in November. Prayers for that are especially appreciated! Ha.

Love you guys,