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My spring break thus far.

It's only Monday night, but my Ash Grove spring break SO FAR has been full of:

Family time.
Much needed rest & time with the Lord.
Trying to make an effort to work out,
But there is snow outside, so that makes things interesting.
& Living vicariously through all my friends on all of their trips.
       (I am SO happy to be home, but it is still fun checking up on everyone.)

I really don't have much to talk about other than show you some pictures of my sweet come up I found at a thrift store in Springfield Saturday.

Check. these. out.

I can honestly say that I have never been so excited about a thrift store find in my life. 
I did cut them because they went down to my knees.
Anyway, you can't tell me those aren't going to be cool. 
Well, you can, but I won't believe you.

I also made the wrap bracelet here ^ yesterday. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it's pretty cool.
I think so anyways.

Besides these two things, I have also made two pairs of shorts from jeans I found thrifting. I would post pictures, but I really feel like the two selfies I already have on here are probably enough.
Sorry if you are a guy who just suffered through this post and have no care in the world about what I have been doing with my time. Or if you are a girl too, I guess. The overalls were worth it right? RIGHT.

For those of you on break, enjoy it!
For those of you who aren't, keep pushing through! Summer is almost here. I think (if it will ever stop snowing).

And leave a comment if you're feeling really generous ;)