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I'm tired of studying.

My spring break starts in 41 and a half hours.

If you live in the general vicinity of Springfield and are reading this, I probably want to see you next week. So you should text me and distract me from my studies. Like, now.

Also, I realized this today:
Two months ago today I was driving back to Columbia after a six week break to start my second semester here at Mizzou. Two months from today will be my first day working in Colorado for the summer. That means SOON. Whoa.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Also, safe traveling to those friends of mine who will be going to Honduras, Memphis, and other various places over their spring breaks!

My home-girl Katie. (She's one of the people going to Honduras
next week)
Cotton House with some really cool girls.
Cotton House with some really cool mustaches.

"Transformation Tuesday" with my momma. I miss her tons on tons.

P.S. I really love it when people comment on my blog. So if you should ever feel so inclined... I wouldn't mind. :)

Back to studying!